Share in the vision of l'Université Protestante au Congo as it strives to make a difference in one of the poorest countries on Earth. We all know how much education has been a part of our own success. Let’s create a self-sustaining university through the implementation of a strategic communications program. With your help, we can achieve our mission. Social innovation requires funding. A gift to this communications/capacity-building project would be very welcome. Be a part of the Congo solution and Connect with Congo!
Improving the university’s sustainability over the long term is an investment of both time and money. A key element of this program includes placing a consultant at the university to build its profile and harness its resources. The consultant, Linda James is an experienced marketing and communications professional with a passion for Congo, which perfectly positions her to initiate this project on the ground and oversee its development.
A communications strategy to increase awareness and support for the university at home and abroad will require:
- Identifying corporate and community partnerships
- Establishing grant proposal procedures
- Raising the University’s profile in the media
- Implementing an alumni initiative
- Determining efficient uses of technology
Education is the most effective way to elevate members of a society by providing skill sets that lead to the growth and development of a nation. How would our universities in the U.S. or other developed countries function without endowments, corporate partnerships and alumni programs, to name just a few funding sources? No major university can achieve excellence without a mixture of funding.
Partner with Education Congo as we invest in the growth and in the future of this university by implementing this strategic communications initiative.
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