The Congolese universities we support are fully engaged in training the future business, law, IT, agricultural/environmental and medical leaders of Congo.
We are currently providing scholarships to students at two leading Congolese universities—we want to do even more in the future as we develop and maintain reliable relationships and procedures for oversight in more universities.
We also provide our partner universities with institutional support, assistance to their medical schools and by connecting them with resources from western universities.
Long-term solutions must come from within—perhaps encouraged from outside—but solved from within, by the Congolese.
Global benefits to all of us
Stabilizing the Congo is vitally important to all of us on the planet. Congo's technology minerals are essential to the technologies we depend on and to our transition to greener energy.
Congo is environmentally important to all of us as well. It contains most of the 2nd largest rainforest in the world and the world's large peatland.
Education Congo is not talking about a short-term project to “feed today’s hungry” but rather about the importance of long-term solutions in the Congo, solutions that will benefit and support all of us globally.
Educating Congolese students in Congo is a bargain
A comparison of tuition at universities in the U.S. and Congo—well, there’s hardly a comparison. Educating young people in Congo is a bargain!
Average for 2023 in the U.S. ranged from $10,000 to $42,000 depending on whether the university is public or private. In Congo that number is only $800 to $1,200!
Retention of human resources
Plus, if we brought Congolese students to the U.S. for education, not only would it cost up to 50 times more, but there is also a high likelihood they would stay in the U.S. and not return to help people in the Congo. In that case, we would inadvertently be helping to “export” valuable human resources from Congo.
On the other hand, donations from the U.S. go a lot farther in the Congo, and chances are greater that graduates will stay there and help build a stronger nation.
The universities we support
Read more about the two universities we are currently providing with scholarships, institutional support and assistance to medical schools.
Université Protestante au Congo (UPC)
Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA)
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I look forward to hearing from you.
Doug Cardwell, PhD
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